For example, i am looking at a hand cream which contains Yarrow. Yarrow, after prolonged use can increase the damage the sun does to your skin. It also contains a toxic element (although in tiny quanitities).
Are they really safer than chemical cosmetics?? And are chemical cosmetics REALLY that bad for us??
What would you recommend??
Thanks for your help and comments!!!Are 100% organic, natural cosmetics really that safe???
They are as long as you know there's nothing in them you might be allergic to. Try Bare Minerals. It's what it is, just minerals of natural coloring.Are 100% organic, natural cosmetics really that safe???
Yes, sometimes alternative ingredients can cause side effects just as chemical ones do (although we must remember that even so called ';non-organic'; stuff has to come from a natural product at some point). However, not all ';organic'; cosmetics are safe and may contain baddies such as Parabens and Titanium Dioxide (these are just two ingredients I know of contained in most non-organic and a many organic cosmetics that may cause serious health problems over a period of time).
we humans are made from the earth. our bodies contain things readily found in plants, other animals, the earth itself.
all things that come in contact with your tissues (skin, eyes, hair, nails, lips..ect) are somewhat absorbed by your skin. for example, lotions are an obvious one. not so obviously, things like toothpaste chemicals such as fluoride can be found in your bloodstream after being absorbed into your mucous membranes of you mouth.
your body doesnt know how to breakdown foreign chemicals that arent organically made and so these things are stored in your tissues (muscles, organs) and cause toxicity and can possibly (depending on the type of chemical...) cause cancer, growths, abnomalities of your tissues.
some ';natural'; ingredients can also be detrimental to your body. generally your bodies are much better at breaking ';natural'; or oganic compounds down, therefore they can exit the body and not build up to cause the damage that it may cause in large quantities.
unfortunatly most research on these topics is very bias by one side or the other, so many things you read may not be true at all.
so when it comes down to it, it is your call.
also: think about what happens to the cosmetics after you have them... most natural cosmetics are much more bio-degradeable than the ';regular'; counterparts. the companies that make the natural cosmetics are more likely to be committed to the earth (packaging, inks, production) than those that sell regular cosmetics.
You must be very careful about claims of organic and natural - neither are necessarily safe. Eg you can get nettles which have no pesticides sprayed on them, but they are not safe. Snake venom is natural but obviously not safe.
I have a number of articles you are welcome to read to see just how bad chemicals used in the cosmetic industry really are. Quite horrifying really! I was under the impression that if things were sold to the community at large then they must be safe - how wrong I was. Absolutely disgusting.
There is only one brand that I know of which is safe to use. If you are interested in finding out more or would like to have a look at some research please email me at and I would be happy to help.
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